Because of our historic five-day unfair labor practice strike, WE ARE WINNING

After our historic five-day unfair labor practice strike, “It finally feels like a new day at Alameda Health System!” Because of our strike, and because of our unity, we are winning. Since January, our bargaining team has been meeting with management, but management hadn’t budged. Then we had a four-day strike vote with massive turnout. Because of that turnout and the 98% YES vote to strike, AHS was forced to remove Athena Buenconsejo from bargaining. After our strike began, members of the County Board of Supervisors came to our rally to tell the AHS Board of Trustees “Thank you for your service. It’s time to move on.” Watch the video here:

During our strike, AHS finally hired a new negotiator to bargain with our elected bargaining team. Our first bargaining session was Monday, and it was a big change from the past nine months, with meaningful, respectful conversation on both sides. AHS listened to us as we talked about the issues on the table, and committed to rebuilding relationships and establishing trust. Bargaining team member, Halley Darigan, said, “It finally actually feels like a new day at AHS.” All of these changes are because of our strike. We used our power together, with the community on our side, we got great press, and now we are winning. We are scheduling further meetings and working to get a strong contract ASAP.

All of these changes are because of our strike. We used our power together, with the community on our side, we got great press, and now we are winning. We are scheduling further meetings and working to get a strong contract ASAP.

On Monday, October 12, AHS workers rallied outside our workplaces before ending our unfair labor practice strike at 7 a.m. Click here to watch a video of one of the rallies on Facebook.

Click here to download a copy of the flier to print and post at your worksite.

Daily Bargaining Team Q&A Sessions on Zoom

Monday to Friday: 6 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m.